

We carry out statutory audits, Internal audits, Tax audits, Business Systems Studies, Business Risk, Information Technology Reviews and Due Diligence Reviews.
Highly qualified professionals, with extensive industry experience, deliver solutions that are completely aligned to managements' requirements, support them in addressing business risks and provide assurance on control effectiveness.The AMAS group comprises a cross-functional team of professionals comprising Chartered Accountants, DISA graduates, CIA professionals

We render specialized services in the following broad areas:
  • Special investigative audits on behalf of financial institutions and banks.
  • Scheme reconciliation of mutual funds.
  • Concurrent audit of bank branches and of companies on behalf of financial institution and banks.
  • Stocks and receivable audits.
  • Monitoring assignment on behalf of financial institutions and banks.
  • Due Diligence assignments on behalf of financial institutions and banks.

For further details write to us at mailto:info@batliboipurohit.com | auditteam@bnpindia.in

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